Hello, this is the DOSI Team.
DOSI Team always prioritizes a sustainable ecosystem centered around contributors. As announced, we are strengthening measures to sanction abusing users within the DOSI service, and preparing for Phase 2 of Citizen distribution to move towards a contributor-centered ecosystem. We will update you on the progress so far.
1. Sanctioning suspected abusing users among existing registrants
✔︎ Blocking suspected abusing users based on transaction patterns (in progress)
We have been monitoring transaction patterns and blocking users since the introduction of the City Badge system. We are currently blocking suspected accounts and eliminating the damage to actual contributors by monitoring transactions after the City Badge. As of now, thousands of accounts have been blocked as suspected, and about 60% were blocked without being able to sell. No users have had their accounts restored after explanation so far, and we plan to continue with strengthened conditions.
✔︎ Large-scale blocking of suspected accounts based on registration patterns (planned)
We plan to block a large number of suspected abusing users based on registration patterns as a preventive measure. To do this, we have completed a full investigation of 92,000 Lv1 Citizen holders capable of trading and holding 180,000 units. Among the 92,000 Lv1 Citizen holders capable of trading, we have identified 1) users to be blocked, 2) actual contributor groups (evaluated by 10 or more criteria, such as B2C purchase participation), and 3) withdrawn/dormant accounts. The remaining user group (A) consists of about 33,000 users, who own approximately 46,000 Lv1 Citizens. Although not considered suspected abusing users, user group (B), consisting of about 19,000 users who may have some possibility of abuse, owns 26,000 Lv1 Citizens. Group (B) will be subject to further investigation and necessary preventive measures if needed, and if they engage in abusive transactions in the future, they will be subject to the upgraded transaction pattern-based blocking mentioned in #1.
2. Strengthening systems for new registrants and Phase 2 of Citizen distribution
We have deployed three new systems to strengthen detection at the registration/SMS stage since last week. At the same time, we are preparing for Phase 2 of Citizen distribution to make more fundamental improvements. The new distribution policy under review includes 1) significant improvements to Adventure weight and logic, 2) strengthening of Arcade advertising and rewards, and 3) enhancing rewards for actual transaction contributors. We are currently prioritizing the detailed policy design, and once completed, we will provide an official update.
DOSI will always do its best to create a contributor-centered ecosystem. We ask for your continuous participation and varied opinions in the community to make a better ecosystem.
Thank you.